For my presentation I laid down 16 different smells in 16 identical brown bottles (so that people wouldn't be able to see the colour of the liquid), each accompanied by a card with a question which the player have to guess what smell it was and follow the instruction on the card. If the player answered correctly, s/he will be 'guided' to the right track. If the player reaches his/her destination, s/he would be rewarded with a nice smell (I used the smell of soto ayam, a really tasty indonesian dish). However, if the player reached the wrong destination, s/he had to smell some really awful smells.
the layout for my smell project
one unit consists of a smell bottle, a card, and some strips
follow your sense of smell
during the presentation
Other students from the course also made really interesting projects.
Ivan made a stereo smell, combining smell of a tropical plant with Dutch woods smell, creating an inbetween world so-called the tropenbos.
Pablo and Juan made a guessing game which combine smell and sound from every departments in the art academy.
James made a memory game with 9 different smells, using teabags.
Yerry made a matching game, where the player has to match the smell and the character of the people in the photos. One was a sailor, one was a French guy, and one a mediterranean woman (if i'm not mistaken).
Willem made an incense kit, a small pack containing mini incense and a mini match to light it.
Jelle made a smell guessing competition, where players had to guess what smell it was.
The presentation itself was 'combined' with meta media presentation, so it really was a nice day full of art presentation :)
for more photos, click here.