Titing is a coffee fan so she was super excited when Mbak Mirna and Mas Jaya asked us to go to Klinik Kopi (Coffee Clinic) in the north of Yogyakarta.
We went there by taxi, and we finally found the 'clinic' inside an alley, hidden from the busy roads. But it was a nice two-storey building, and when we entered the parking lot mbak Mirna called us from the second floor.
Mbak Mirna and Mas Jaya came with nyitmomo, who could not stop running around and greeting everyone she met. They seemed to be regular customers, who knew each other pretty well.
It was called “coffee clinic” because coffee drinkers were treated like patients - they were asked what sort of coffee they like (acidity, roasting level, etc) and the 'doctor' would give them what kind of coffee they need. The doctor, mas Pepeng, is super-coffee-enthusiast who has travelled across the country to collect the country's coffee diversity. He cooperated with local farmers and local coffee makers to get the finest of their coffee.
When he found out that I don’t drink coffee, he jokingly asked me to leave the clinic xD
That evening the doctor did not feel very well (he got a flu) so he planned to close earlier than scheduled. Luckily Titing and I could make it to the clinic before it closed. Titing had a double espresso of Nagari Lasi, while I had the half espresso (or I actually don't know what it was called, I think it was just a regular ‘light’ coffee) of the same coffee. I couldn't finish mine but it sure was a nice-smelling coffee! :-p
Titing bought a pack of coffee Sindoro and she was very happy - she couldn't wait to share her experience with her fellow coffee lovers.