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Tuesday, 16 December 2014

[link] Reel Fish Hide From Predators By Smelling Like Coral

Humans might not consider smells as important as sights or sounds, but in animals, they still highly use smells to communicate with each other. And for some animals, hiding your appearance is useless if their predators can still smell them.

photo by atomicshark, CC BY-NC-SA

So if a chameleon or stick insect disguise themselves as leaves or branches, harlequin filefish disguise themselves to smell like coral, according to a paper published by the Royal Society.

One way this could happen is via the diet: odour producing chemicals from the food transferred to the animal that causes their smells to match

You are what you eat, and for filefish or caterpillars, this can be a good advantage.

Read the full article here: Reef fish can even smell like coral as they seek to evade predators


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